After installing I ran the demo. Get Popup Error : Undefined

QuestionsAfter installing I ran the demo. Get Popup Error : Undefined
Victor Harrison asked 9 years ago

Installed PHPGRID;
Added tables to an existing database and Loaded them;
Modified the config.php;
Run **any** of the demo scripts and I get the same popup: Header = Error & Red banner sub-header = 'undefined'. Message area is blank.

> MySQL database
> PHP 5.5
>define("PHPGRID_LIBPATH",dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."lib".DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); Seems to resolves correctly
> Even did this in the alternate-row.php in the demo directory:
$db_conf = array();
$db_conf["type"] = "mysqli";
$db_conf["server"] = PHPGRID_DBHOST; // or you mysql ip
$db_conf["user"] = PHPGRID_DBUSER; // username
$db_conf["password"] = PHPGRID_DBPASS; // password
$db_conf["database"] = PHPGRID_DBNAME; // database

// pass connection array to jqgrid()
$g = new jqgrid($db_conf);

> URL:

Help would be very-VERY-V E R Y much appreciated.

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago

Free version does not work on https. Need to upgrade for https support.

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