adding column total at bottom

Questionsadding column total at bottom
Samet Can asked 4 years ago

hi, I want to ask a question before making a purchase.

I will create a new table using the “index” example (

I’ll add a numeric column at the end of this table. I want it to sum at the bottom of the page. Is this possible? as an example, I’ll add an amount to the customer list in the demo. At the bottom of each page will be the sum of the amount. if I use the search section, the total amount will be updated according to the search results.

Can you send a sample file because I don’t know coding very well? Or can you show me how to add it?



1 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 4 years ago

Yes, that’s doable. We call it footer row.

Just modified main demo to show you.

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
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