The best way to integrate in Laravel with CRUD database control

QuestionsThe best way to integrate in Laravel with CRUD database control
Filip Spacek asked 2 weeks ago


Please advise on the best way to call Grid in Laravel.
Nowhere in the documentation did I find a default callback method for the Controller to handle CRUD.

The Grid only calls my store() method on every event for all requests.

So far I am testing the free grid and considering getting the PRO version.

If a sample project would be available for viewing I would be very happy.

Thank you for your help.


1 Answers
Abu answered 2 weeks ago

By default, grid only need single controller method as add, edit and delete operations are performed by the datagrid itself and it does not use the laravel data models.

In case you need to stop grid function and use your custom add, edit, delete methods … you will need datagrid add/edit callback event as mentioned here:

Let me know if you mean something else.

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